One of attractive that it has incorporated
Barcelona in the last years are their
beaches. Thanks to the regeneration of the coast made in 1992, in the occasion of the
Olympic Games,
Barcelona counts nowadays on six beaches that occupy more than 4.2 kilometers linear of the coast.
The beaches are totally centric, are communicated with the center and are located to few minutes of any point of the city. All is equipped with the most complete services: showers, monitoring, the Red Cross and, in some cases, clothes, rent of hammocks, 'chiringuitos'...
The beaches are put under cleaning every day throughout the year, and all has the 'blue flag' of the European Union that accredits its excellence.
According to data of the City council of Barcelona, every year they receive to more than seven million swimmers. Although the majority is concentrated in the months of good weather, between May and September, the citizens and visitors also can enjoy beaches the rest of the year, since they are equipped to play tennis, voley-beach and other sports.
In the
beach of the Barceloneta, next to the
Arts Hotel, there is a modern center of municipal 'talasoterapy', the
Marine Sport, provided with swimming pools with water of sea, and that throughout allows to the benefit of sport services and health the year.
The six beaches more important are: the beach of San Sebastián, Barceloneta, New Icaria, Bogatell, Beautiful Sea and New Beautiful Sea. In the last one is a space reserved for the nudism.